Music at St Boniface Hospital

Some lovely new Photos of Keith Price and Vanessa Kuzina playing in St Boniface Hospital.

Keith Price; Artists in Healthcare Manitoba

Keith Price; Artists in Healthcare Manitoba

Vanessa Kuzina; Artists in Healthcare Manitoba

Vanessa Kuzina; Artists in Healthcare Manitoba

Photos from the Party!

Photos from the CD release Party on Nov 28 2013 at the Park Theatre can be seen here!

From me to you

A poem written by a patient in Brandon about guitarist Matt and fiddler Maria – to thank them for what their music did.

From Me to You

I hope you know
The emptiness consumes you
Being hollow makes you cry
A dismal wall surrounds you
You only want to die

The words don’t make you whole again

the drug can’t make you heal

Each day is just a barren haze

You’re never sure you’ll heal

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AIHM CD Release Concert, Nov 28 2013

Join us at the Park Theatre for the CD release of our first foray into recorded music.

Nov 28 2013 8pm

Many of the thirteen musicians on the album will be performing live!

CD release poster ad CD release poster for Jill

Remembering Painter John Smith


painting by Ted Smith

John Edward Smith (1922-2013) was a patient of St Boniface Hospital periodically from 2011 to 2013. John was a keen painter, having produced great many oil paintings after he retired, and was an enthusiastic supporter of Artists in Healthcare. We include some of his paintings here in his memory and wish to thank his family for the donation of his art supplies to the program. Continue reading

ehospice is a valuable tool. Here’s how you can use it!

ehospice, an international news app and website, for which the CHPCA is the editor of the Canadian editions, has been live since October. In this time thousands, and yes, we mean thousands, of articles and event listings have been posted to the Canadian editions.

ehospice web link

Dance Movement Therapy

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Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) is an innovative form of art therapy which works with the whole person integrating movement, creative process, and verbal communication. The connection of body and mind is the basis of DMT, which aims to further self-expression and personal growth.movement1 movement2

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Indigogo campaign


Click here see the campaign.

We have recorded our first full length album and we’re looking for your help to put it into the hands of patients, their loved ones, and hospital staff.

This studio recording features the work of 15 of our talented musicians who hope to offer lasting enjoyment and sanctuary to patients by giving this CD away as a gift. We also hope to raise awareness of our program through radio play and other promotional efforts.

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The Care Home Outreach Project

Warm congratulations to Artists in Healthcare’s Brandon Coordinator Corey Friesen for his highly successful fundraiser for “The Care Home Outreach Project’.

Corey has raised over 5,000 for University of Brandon’s music students to bring concerts to residents in five long term care homes in Brandon over the next school year!

Art Supply Donation!

poco beads

poco beads

Artists in Healthcare Manitoba sends a HUGE thank you out to Poco Beads for their generous donation of beads and tools for the Art by the Big Blue Chair program at Cancercare MB, the Art at the Bedside program at St. Boniface Hospital and the Art program at Misericordia Place!

Many thanks to volunteers Rose Graham, Investors Group and Jane Clark, altShift Design for a day spent designing well over 50 bead packages for St. Boniface and Cancercare MB.

Also a big thanks to the Manitoba Arts Council.

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